Friday, June 22, 2007

20 Lesson Ideas

1. Teach the life cycle of a butterfly by making a mobile.
2. Teach about George Washington by making a profile portrait.
3. Teach about line and shape by having students create their own lines and shapes.
4. Teach the solar system by having students create each planet using modeling clay.
5. Teach the life cycle of a butterfly by creating each stage using coffee filters, pipe cleaners, markers, etc.
6. Teach the planets by creating a mosaic using construction paper.
7. Teach about Ancient Greece by creating a clay pot out of construction paper.
8. Teach liquid measurement by creating “The Gallon Man.”
9. Teach fractions by creating a pizza or cake out of construction paper.
10. Teach about color blends by allowing students to experiment with primary colors.
11. Teach patterns by creating necklaces using different types of beads.
12. Teach letters of the alphabet by creating a book of things that begin with the letter.
13. Teach geography by creating a map of the state/country/world.
14. Teach about different animals and their habitats by creating dioramas.
15. Teach about ourselves (create sense of self, personality) by creating a self-portrait collage.
16. Teach about landforms by creating them using modeling clay.
17. Teach about volcanoes by creating one out of clay (erupt using vinegar and baking soda).
18. Teach history of different cultures (Indians) by creating Indian huts out of clay or paper maché.
19. Teach writing skills by creating individual books.
20. Teach about simple machines (pulley, lever, wedge, wheel and axel, inclined plane, screw) by creating their own.

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